Global Freshman Program General Education

The General Education qualification equips you with knowledge and understanding of the key business functions and how these interrelate while setting you up to graduate at the Member University of your choice.
Course outline
Once you’ve completed the five core modules, the General Education stream has five specialised modules. They are:
Core modules
Module 001
English Composition I
Module 002
Module 003
Introduction to Statistics
Module 004
Environmental Science
Module 005
Introduction to Ethics
General Education stream
Module 101
Visual Communications
Module 102
Public Speaking
Module 103
Human Biology
Module 104
Module 105
Workplace Communication
These modules will equip you with the knowledge and skills to:
Acquisition of knowledge and skills for integration of learning in General Education experiences
Develop competency in communication and presentation skills to achieve academic literacy
Apply critical thinking skills to problem-solving using evidence-based reasoning to make informed decisions
Explain key theories and concepts from subjects in General Education to demonstrate interdisciplinary connections
Reflect on cultural legacies to understand and appreciate human cultural, historical and social experiences
Studying the General Education stream builds valuable career skills – soft skills are among the most sought-after traits in the workplace. Communication, problem-solving, and teamwork aren’t just buzzwords—they’re foundational abilities employers need to get things done.