Global Freshman
Program Computing

The Computing qualification will equip you with knowledge and understanding of introductory concepts in the computing field while setting you up to graduate at the Member University of your choice.

Course outline

Once you’ve completed the five core modules, the Computing stream has five specialized modules. They are:

Core modules

Module 001

English Composition I

Module 002


Module 003

Introduction to Statistics

Module 004

Environmental Science

Module 005

Introduction to Ethics

Computing stream

Module 201

Introduction to Information Technology

Module 202

Introduction to Web Development

Module 203

Introduction to Networking

Module 204

Introduction to Relational Databases

Module 205

Project Management


These modules will equip you with the knowledge and skills to:

Understand how to design, create and evaluate computer-based systems


Identify and analyse criteria for data-driven problem solving


Explore the morals and ethics of computer technology


Apply mathematical concepts to IT and technology problems


Utilise various computing systems and software to program solutions to concrete problems


Work collaboratively across a range of media and interdisciplinary contexts

Studying the Computing stream will open opportunities for degrees and careers in Cyber Security, IT, Data Analysis, Systems & Networking, Software Development, Web Development and Programming.